In the English County of Berkshire

Author: admin (Page 2 of 3)

Downland Volunteer Group (DVG) Handy Bus Service

The Downland Volunteer Group runs a 12-seater mini-bus service supporting the Downland villages. It offers a door to door service for shopping trips and other club events with regular trips each week that are delivered by popular demand. If you know of anyone who may benefit from using the service then please pass on the details and we will be glad to try and accommodate them.

If passengers require help with shopping on and off of the bus the driver will be happy to oblige.

The details are as follows:

Route: Leckhampstead to Chaddleworth to Wantage return
When:  every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month (starting 14th March 2023)
Where: pick up from your house
Time: First pick up in Leckhampstead at 10:00am, then Chaddleworth at 10:20(ish), returning 2:00pm
Destination: Sainsburys in Wantage (1 hour approx. to shop)
Cost:  The Round trip fare is £4 (but it is free in March 2023)
Booking: Call Rollo on 07785 221040 or email

The volunteer group is always looking for new volunteer drivers for the Handy Bus as well. If you or somebody you know could spare a few hours occasionally to drive one of the regular routes then please contact Rollo Duckworth whose details are listed above.

Saunders Wynn and Coventry Educational Foundation

The three named benefactors set up the Trust to offer financial help to further the educational needs of the children and students (up to the age of 25) of the Parish of Chaddleworth. The Trustees meet four times a year to consider applications including any relating to the additional cost of home-schooling and remote study for students.  Previous contributions have been made towards the cost of school uniforms, books for university courses, specific equipment and kit for courses, and residential courses. If you wish to apply for funds please contact the Foundation’s Clerk, Heather Murphy, Tower Hill Cottage, Botmoor Way, Chaddleworth RG20 7EU or email for an application form. All applications are treated in the strictest confidence.  Any applications received after scheduled meetings will still be considered for awards by the Trustees but there may be a delay before awards are made.

Heather Murphy

Clerk, Saunders Wynn and Coventry Educational Foundation

01488 638628

Welcome to Chaddleworth Parish

The parish of Chaddleworth lies below the southern slopes of the Berkshire Downs, just east of the A338 road, which runs between Hungerford and Wantage to form the western parish boundary. The south-east corner of the village is called Nodmore and the hamlet of Southend sits only a mile to the north-east. In the north of the parish is Woolley and in the south is Poughley, both barely hamlets now. Woolley Down rises above the former. The parish mostly consists of farmland, with some scattered woodland such as Nine Acre Wood, Spray Wood, Down Copse, Rooksnest Copse and Bassdown Copse. The West Berkshire Golf Course, on Buckham Hill, and the northern edge of RAF Welford are in Poughley.

For the latest parish news, please see monthly editions of Chaddleworth News

Check out the Chaddleworth Village Facebook page too

Village Hall Committee

  • Mark Slade – Chairman
  • David Jennings – Treasurer and Booking Clerk
  • Tracey Evans – Secretary
  • Gareth Beard – Parish Council Representative
  • John Bibbings – Member
  • Chris Terrett – Member

Parish Council


This website was set up by Chaddleworth Parish Council in November 2016. Bearing in mind not everyone has internet access, users are asked to copy any significant notices to neighbours who do not have computers.

Policy Documents and Annual Governance Accounting Statements

Current Policy Documents:

National Association of Local Councils Publications:

Annual Accounting Statements:

Congratulations to Joe Mills!

The Parish Council nominated Joe Mills for the WBC Champion Awards for the Big Thank you! They had over 100 nominations and the Parish Council is pleased to announce that Joe was chosen as one of the amazing people that Chaddleworth are very lucky to have.

Joe Mills was presented with a certificate from West Berkshire Council. The Parish Council is sure the village will join the Parish Council in commending Joe in a celebration of all his hard work, when we are allowed to meet face to face once again!

Joe does get a mention from WBC during this recording. It is at the very end, so if you don’t want to listen to all the awards, please forward to…..8 mins. Community Champion Awards 2020 – YouTube

Joe Mills – nominated by The Parish Council:  “From a very young age, Joe has always been a great help to those less fortunate in the village of Chaddleworth. He has served on the Parish Council for 38 years – our longest serving Councillor. Joe was one of the founder members of the Cricket Club. His greatest strength is getting together teams in the village to do community work. It is because he is so well thought of that no one has the nerve to say no! He looks after the cricket ground almost entirely on his own – mowing the grass, marking out the pitches and carrying out all the maintenance. He is also the main gardener at the Memorial Garden and, last year, planted 52 roses in the garden. Joe also helps at fetes and barbeques and any other village events. He is truly irreplaceable and we think after all his years (75) of living in this village community, he deserves our gratitude – so we have put him forward for the ‘Big Thank You’ award.”

West Berkshire Council – Community Champion Awards 2020 – The results are in! – Information


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