Having reached the end of term, I would like to say a huge thank you to the community of Chaddleworth who have been so supportive and helpful in these challenging circumstances. The children in year 3 and 4 have had an exciting time at the Chaddleworth school site; the courage, endurance and compassion they have shown has been outstanding. Emotional wellbeing has been the primary focus but the children have also engaged in a variety of learning experiences whether they were in school or at home over the last few months.

Look out for our updates at https://www.csfschools.org/ for the latest school news. We wish everyone in Chaddleworth a restful summer break.

Take care,  Alison Stephenson,   Acting Headteacher



The latest news from the Acting Head of the School and new plans for Chaddleworth school site over the last few weeks of term.

The Great Shefford school site has stayed open for children of critical workers and vulnerable children from the initial lockdown on 23rd March. Since then, our EYFS, year 1 and year 6 have returned and now it is the turn of year 2, 3 4 and 5 to return. In order to achieve this, a group 15 of our children will be working at the Chaddleworth school site from 1st July. Parents will be driving onto the school playground, parking and dropping off their children so not blocking the road.


Wed 1st July – 11.45 – 2.00

Mon 6th July – 8.45 – 3.15

Tues 7th July – 8.45 – 3.15

Wed 8th July – 8.45 – 3.15

Mon 13th July – 8.45 – 3.15

Tues 14th July – 8.45 – 3.15

Wed 15th July – 8.45 – 3.15

Staff will be at the school earlier and later than these times and the school bus will continue to run, picking up at 9am and dropping off at 3pm. We have been working with our parents to put this plan together and are looking forward to seeing more of our children. They’ve been busy at home with the home learning which we’ve put on our website. If you wanted to find out more, this is a really good way of seeing what our school has to offer –


We have Collective Worship and activity weeks as well as reading, writing, maths and topic which the teachers update daily. They also reply to emails from parents daily and the children send in their learning which is then made into a class video on Mondays. Last week was arts week and the children tell us that it helped with their emotional wellbeing as well as nurturing their artistic skills.

We have completed a risk assessment based on government and West Berkshire guidelines to ensure we offer the safest possible environment for the children and consider the needs of our neighbours as well.

Take care,

Alison Stephenson

Acting Headteacher/DSL

Chaddleworth St Andrew’s and Shefford Church of England Federated Primary Schools

‘Going The Extra Mile’

Shefford site RG17 7DB

01488 648657
