The Downland Volunteer Group runs a 12-seater mini-bus service supporting the Downland villages. It offers a door to door service for shopping trips and other club events with regular trips each week that are delivered by popular demand. If you know of anyone who may benefit from using the service then please pass on the details and we will be glad to try and accommodate them.
If passengers require help with shopping on and off of the bus the driver will be happy to oblige.
The details are as follows:
Route: Leckhampstead to Chaddleworth to Wantage return |
When: every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month (starting 14th March 2023) |
Where: pick up from your house |
Time: First pick up in Leckhampstead at 10:00am, then Chaddleworth at 10:20(ish), returning 2:00pm |
Destination: Sainsburys in Wantage (1 hour approx. to shop) |
Cost: The Round trip fare is £4 (but it is free in March 2023) |
Booking: Call Rollo on 07785 221040 or email dvg.handybus@gmail.com |
The volunteer group is always looking for new volunteer drivers for the Handy Bus as well. If you or somebody you know could spare a few hours occasionally to drive one of the regular routes then please contact Rollo Duckworth whose details are listed above.